Angebote von Kulturschaffenden für Schulen

Esad Halilovic

1040 Wien

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©Copyright liegt bei der/dem Kulturschaffenden
Kunstsparte(n): Musik Theater


©Copyright liegt bei der/dem Kulturschaffenden
  Musik | 6-10 Jahre 10-14 Jahre ab 14 Jahre
Esad Halilovic: Rhythmus spürt jedeR!
Konzept und Ablauf sowie der prozessorientierte und ergebnisoffene Charakter des Angebots werden der Schuleinrichtung bereits im Vorfeld kommuniziert und gemeinsam vorbereitet. Thematisch soll ...

©Copyright liegt bei der/dem Kulturschaffenden
  Theater | 6-10 Jahre 10-14 Jahre ab 14 Jahre
Esad Halilovic: „stimmen.geWIRr“
Das Abenteuer Theater wird über die drei Schwerpunkte Stimme, Körper und Bewegung im geschützten Rahmen der Schule und unter der professionellen Leitung der gebuchten TutorInnen sinnlich erforscht ...

©Copyright liegt bei der/dem Kulturschaffenden
  Musik | 6-10 Jahre 10-14 Jahre ab 14 Jahre
Esad Halilovic: Wir sind die Musik! Eine spatzenpostmoderne Oper.
Für diese Altersgruppe stellt ein musikalisches Angebot, das die kreativen und künstlerischen Talente der einzelnen wie auch das Gemeinschaftsgefühl als Gruppe fördert sowie insbesondere der ...

Über mich
Esad Halilović, born in Belgrade, lives and works as a drummer, composer and educator in Vienna since 20 years.

Leader of jazz ensemble Dusha Connection

2017 CD MERAK für redPmusic
„(...) With “Merak”, Esad Halilovic, have released an album that proves that classic jazz can sound timeless and anything but old and grey. The songs of the trio have a kick. They are filled with an unconventionally fresh wind that leaves you wanting more.
Michael Ternai (adapted from the German by David Dempsey)“

Music Projects and Concerts
In 2017 and 2018: concerts with “dusha connection Jazz Trio” on international Jazz Festivals: International Jazz Festival Hong Kong
Festival Internacional Jazz Plaza, Havanna / Cuba
RARA Festival for Improvised and Contemporary Music, Sicily / Italy
Jazz Festival Petrovac / Montenegro
One Jazz Festival, Baja Mare / Romania, and many others.
2016: CD Releases Merak, (album of own compositions)
CD-presentation at the renowed Viennese concert hall Porgy and Bess, including a series of concerts in Central and Southeastern Europe
2014: foundation of the dusha connection Jazz Trio
2012 - 2014: drummer and director of music for the theater-show „JUGOEXPORT“,
performances in Austria (Vienna, Graz, Linz, and Salzburg), Germany, and Switzerland
2012 - 2013 founder, art director and coordinator of the „Acoustic Salon“ House of Culture
Sargfabrik Vienna, music forum for professionals and students of music, monthly jour fixe.
2010 formation of the JUGOEXPORT Balkan band
2003-2008: directing summer workshops of music for socially disadvantaged groups in behalf of the Austrian Ministry for Health and Education and the City of Vienna
2000 formation of the „Esad Halovic-Quartet “
2000 – 2004: concerts in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and east european countries.
1999-2000: director of music (leading team) in an interdisciplinary theatre-project for war traumatized children and young people, powered by the OHR / Europe

2015 - 2018: Leader of a series of workshops for jazz, improvisation, and world music as part of the funding program for students with outstanding achievements on behalf of the Music Schools of the City of Vienna
2014 - 2018: Art director and musical leader in 15 music workshops for students of Austrian highschools in behalf of the Austrian Ministery of Education, and KulturKontakt Austria.
Since 2008: Private tutor and coach in cooperation with the Music Schools of the City of Vienna, and with Sergej Rachmaninov Musicum-school, providing an extensive diversity of methods for instrumental, rhythmics as well as musical early musical training.
2015 - 2017: 5 awards for leading music projects in cooperation with Austrian highschools, powered by the Austrian Federal Ministery for Education.

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